Poor perceptions of the community and the campus about one another, and a strained relationship, prevented any community building.
Revitalize a defunct organization with updated name and identity. In our first discovery session, we realized the need was much deeper than expected. To be set up for success, they needed more than just the passion of a small group, they needed an all-encompassing brand and design system to communicate effectively. I facilitated two brand workshops and a hero’s tale workshop with board members and key stakeholders as well as distributed community surveys to define the brand and how it can fulfill its mission (to provide a connection between the college and community to reduce high-risk behaviors involving substance abuse). These shaped not only the visuals and messaging but the organization’s goals. Within the design system we developed consistent messaging, visuals, and a brand language.
This new mark and identity is about communities coming together. With a clear and simple concept highlighting the new name Hc3. The speech bubble represents coming together, bonding, and communication within the entire community. The typeface and designs throughout the design system are bold and direct but still friendly and positive. Blue, teal, and green reinforce trust.
Creative and Art Direction, Design, Strategy, Facilitation
Collaborators: Shelly Wolanske Hc3 Coordinator, various SUNY Geneseo Health and Counciling, SUNY Geneseo Title IX, Geneseo Police and Fire Departments, Geneseo Central School District, Geneseo Community Members, SUNY Geneseo Students, Local Business Owners
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