Ocotal Coffee poster


Partners: Ocotal Coffee and SUNY Geneseo


Nobody knew the amazing story of students meeting Nicaraguan coffee farmers on a service trip. And the work it took them, SUNY Geneseo, and Campus Auxiliary Services organizing to buy and import their coffee directly from them to serve on campus.


We wanted to highlight the relationships and the stories since this coffee is as direct as you can get, putting names and images of specific farmers along with the students’ experiences, highlighting stories such as a student drinking the same coffee with the farmers as served on campus.

To tell the story we interviewed students, college professors, and the college communications department then developed the full story, brand, and name to go around it. We told the story through press releases, collaborative social media, print ads, posters, and point of sale designs. The very personal messaging helped build awareness and relationships between the coffee farmers, campus community, and the service project benefiting everyone.


The name, logo, and colors in this new brand were kept simple to signify the natural and direct relationship. We used the frame approach to add as many of the personal photos as possible, putting students, farmers and families side by side highlighting the stories throughout every medium.


Creative and Art Direction, Design, Interviewing

Collaborators: CAS Marketing Director Becky Stewart, Photojournalist Kris Dressen, University Professors, SUNY Geneseo Communications Department. Thank you to the El Sauce Service Learning Program and Java Joe.


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